
Indigo Bananas, Center of the Maze

Saturday, August 26, 2017 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
The lovely Andrea of Indigo Bananas was so kind to offer me some polishes from her last collection, "A Delos Holiday" for review. Cue my squeal of delight, these are my first official press samples and I couldn't be more excited. I'm a long time fan of this brand and they don't receive the attention I feel they deserve. The first one I have to show you is Center of the Maze, a dark gold...

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Dreamland Lacquer, Alpenglow II

Saturday, August 19, 2017 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Howdy fellow green lovers! Long time lemming squashed!!!!. This is a group custom from several years ago, before I found Smitten, now Dreamland. Some of her unicorn pee polishes were among my very first indie purchases.The eye popping unicorn pee shimmer shifts from yellow gold to an emerald green in most lighting. The red is there, I've seen it in bottle shots but as green cancels out red it's subtle. This isn't currently available but...

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Lacquester "Mortal Coil"

Saturday, August 05, 2017 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Hey guys! I have been drooling over Mortal Coil since I first saw it several months ago,but alas, I chose to wait to get it within the U.S. from Color4Nails. It lives up to the hype and was well worth the wait. All I want to write is heart eyes emojis. Be warned, this post is very photo heavy and I'm not sorry. I've included a comparison to similar polishes I own but none are...

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