
Femme Fatale Cosmetics Enchanted Fables: Locations

Saturday, April 18, 2020 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Femme Fatale Cosmetics Enchanted Fables: Locations Mid-transition, done with blow drier. Cold state Hello friends! It's been a long time I've written a proper polish blog post. Well, long time since I've purchased polish but I can never resist a few from Femme Fatale's annual Enchanted Fables Collection. Things have been crazy due to Covid 19 so please forgive some of my lack of details. I totally forgot to take videos of any but the...

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#QuarantineAnniversary makeup look

Friday, April 17, 2020 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
I decided to put on some makeup to celebrate our 8th anniversary. We picked up gyros and treats, ate in our car by the river then went for a drive. Totally fine for introverts haha.#QuarantineAnniversary Femme Fatale Cosmetics Topsy Turvy as base, Shrunken head inner lid, Horror land outer,(both over a sticky product), Ocean bloom inner corner and brow highlighter. Random eyeliner in waterline. Highlighter is Notoriously Morbid White Lighter Witch 2.0. Lips Fresh Beauty...

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Say Yesferatu to Tridents

Sunday, March 15, 2020 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Mauve and rose tones are some of my favorite for makeup looks and I'm loving these geometrical jewelry pieces from Sarah Briggs and they are still available. Trident charm, Meech earrings, Pret and Honor earcuffs. 20% off code Makeup deets: Notoriously Morbid Sarah highlighter on cheek bones, browbone, and inner corner. Yesferatu on lids. Serefine mystic matte mixed with Sugar Bloom on lips. ...

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Murder in the Bone Yard

Tuesday, February 18, 2020 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Murder in the Bone Yard photo taken in full spectrum lighting This is Lacquester Screaming Brownie Murder. When I first saw the name of this polish I thought of Smurfs for some reason. Then I thought of a murder of a brownie from the Fae folk. It took getting this polish in my hands for the pun on bloody murder to dawn on me. How funny is that? My brain yal, I amused myself with...

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Wicked Heart

Monday, February 17, 2020 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
This look is from several months ago and I was clearly not having a good time with my skin. These products are all beautiful though despite that and my imperfect application. Can you tell I'm not sure about this look? I no longer wear foundation (tinted moisturizer and some concealer) and when my skin acts up old insecurities rise to the surface and I tend to think bold makeup emphasizes it. Be quiet wicked heart!...

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Wednesday, February 05, 2020 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
 Notoriously Morbid Wailing Lament on inner corner and cheek highlighter  and My Way til Payday blush. Femme Fatale Cosmetics Silverwing on lids and lower lash, Vampire Breath on brow and center lid. Bee's Knees Lacquer RIP These Fish lipbalm Lacquester polish BbRlOuWeN, Blue in Brown Jewelry by Sarah Briggs, here's a 20% discount code. I sent a photo of my mani to Caroline and she mentioned that I probably had a matching eyeshadow. I loved that...

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A Grave Mistake

Thursday, January 23, 2020 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
This makeup look is super simple and done with limited edition products from Notoriously Morbid. on my eyes I blended A Grave Mistake out into the crease then patted more over shadowbind on the lids. Lips are Maret mystic matte. Highlight is It's Strange but it's True. Fishtail jewelry by Sarah Briggs. Heath necklace, Etienne crawlers. ...

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