
Murder in the Bone Yard

by - Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Murder in the Bone Yard
photo taken in full spectrum lighting

This is Lacquester Screaming Brownie Murder. When I first saw the name of this polish I thought of Smurfs for some reason. Then I thought of a murder of a brownie from the Fae folk. It took getting this polish in my hands for the pun on bloody murder to dawn on me. How funny is that? My brain yal, I amused myself with how oblivious I can be.
This dark brown with electric blue shimmer is still currently available. I used 2 coats with topcoat. I love how if you look closely this isn't a smooth shimmer, there are some slightly larger particles that really add some interest and sparkle but have zero texture. You can probably see that better in this video. Love the brushes and the formula, very easy to work with.

I couldn't resist how well these photos looked beside the ones of  Notoriously Morbid's bath bomb in my camera reel. With a name like Bone Yard and being coffin shaped, I just felt like they belonged together here. This product is also still available. I DO surprise you sometimes, right? I used half the bomb here. I will link a photo of the bomb itself and a video.This is one of my favorite bombs from NM to date and of the ones still available. Here's the scent description: Orange Peel, PeppercornApple,Vanilla,Tonka Bean,and Tobacco. I also love Dreadful Echo.

natural light

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