Emily de Mollly, "Room For More"

by - Sunday, September 24, 2017

Friends, readers, I am exhausted. I want to be interesting and chatty but i just don't have it in me today. Is "Hey look, pretty polish!" an acceptable intro? .....Imma use it anyway. ;p.This is Emily de Molly Room for More, from her recent Anniversary trio. It's a really eye-catching shade of lime green neon, yet soft in a way. There's this absolutely beautiful banana yellow shimmer running throughout and little silver flakes. My camera was totally freaked by this in all types of lighting. I added some warmth to get closer to color accurate but I don't think we're at 100% . Anytime you are not sure about a color, please check multiple reviews. This was a bit brighter or maybe more saturated than I expected. I have a little quirk where I love these types of greens in the bottle and then hate them on my nails. I bought this partly to use in my polish jewelry pieces and it works beautifully in them. However, I asked for stamping advice and got several good suggestions to break it up and tone down somewhat. I really enjoyed the result and in the future will try white, turquoise, and olive.

  • Stamped with a dark green from Jolie polish and EdM round plate 29. The round plates are discontinued so jump on that asap!
  • 3 coats with topcoat. This was a bit thick and I needed 3 coats to get it smooth and even.
  • No trouble removing or staining, good wear.

All photos are under my LED daylight bulb except the last one, which is actual daylight.
Emily de Molly has a website for both her AU and US/International customers amd is stocked by most major stockists.There are sales pretty frequently, at least 4 times a year, I would say so be alert to that. Things do sell out during those times. Join the facebook fan group and customer email to be alerted about sales, group customs, and discontinued or LE items.

What do you think of really bright shades like this? Have you ever liked it on one nail shape and not another? Let me know in the comments:). Thanks for reading and see the links below.



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  1. Your macros are gorgeous!! Sorry to hear you're so tired. :(

    1. Thamk you on both accounts! Tis life sometimes.I feel better today :)

  2. I love how this looks on you! But I know what you mean about loving something in the bottle and not on your nails. Happens to me all the time :P
