aurora shimmerbees Kneesholographic polishirridescent flakiesMultichrome flakiespress samplesunicorn pee polishunicorn pee sibling
Bee's Knees 1/1/19 release and sitewide SALE PRESS SAMPLES ...
Aromaleigh Cosmetics Fatalis collection selection, swatches and thoughts
Wednesday, December 26, 2018 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Aromaleigh Fatalis selection swatches and thoughts all photos in natural light, swatched over Femme Fatale Shadow Magic primer ...
Notoriously Morbid looks: Serefine vs Into The Pale Mystic Mattes, also Ghost Clown shadow look and comp
Saturday, December 22, 2018 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Notoriously Morbid Serefine vs Into The Pale all photos taken in natural light Into the Pale on top, Serefine bottom ...
bees Kneescacticollabnail artstampingStarlight Polishsucculentsunicorn pee polishunicorn pee siblingVapid
#mynailsandmycactus 11/18 collab cactus nails
Friday, December 21, 2018 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
#mynailsandmycactus 11/18 collab cactus nails ...
Limited Edition Femme Fatale shadows and friends
Thursday, December 20, 2018 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Limited Edition Femme Fatale shadows and friends ...
Fall tones Femme Fatale haul
Tuesday, December 11, 2018 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Natural light, warm Fall tones Femme Fatale haul Natural light, warm Fall tones Femme Fatale haul ...
Bee's Knees Wax Melts Release
Monday, December 10, 2018 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Bee's Knees Wax Melts Release PRESS SAMPLES WAX RELEASE AND HOLIDAY SCENTS DAY 11 of 12 DAYS OF DEALS I received 5 of the 6 scents in wax and the last in scroap so I'll add my thoughts on that one too. These will be $4.50 regular price for 4oz. Don't forget about the free/discounted internationally/combined shipping running through the 12th! Deals start at 12pm EST. Bee's Knees recommends allowing 2 weeks cure time from...
Bee's Knees Scroaps, holiday scents
Saturday, December 08, 2018 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Bee's Knees Scroaps, holiday scents PRESS SAMPLES Bee's Knees Lacquer 12 days of deals Day 9 Free and combined US shipping throughout, International will be discounted and only charged on the first order. ...
Bee's Knees Lacquer one coat multichromes
Wednesday, December 05, 2018 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
One Coat Multichromes PRESS SAMPLES ...
Bee's Knees Avengers duo
Tuesday, December 04, 2018 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Bee's Knees Avengers duo PRESS SAMPLES Greetings earthlings! Bee's Knees Lacquer is having 12 days of releases, deals and sales! 12/5 brings the release of 2 new Avenger themed polishes. What's so cool about this 12 days is that shipping is free in the US and discounted elsewhere. Shipping will be held until the end of the 12 days and combined if you make more than one purchase. WHAT DID IT COST? Described as a...
Bee's Knees Wand Cores, OGUP
Thursday, November 29, 2018 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Bee's Knees Wand Cores, OGUP T5 full spectrum lights, very close to sunlight These are the Bees Knees Wand Cores that I purchased when they were OGUP customs. These and the rest will be back in limited numbers on December 1st. Be ready to ninja! There will be 12 days of releases and sales starting then and shipping will be held throughout so you may purchase as many times as you like and get shipping...
Indigo Bananas,parts of 2014 Halloween Collection,Summer Rains,Mythic Holiday 2014
Thursday, November 29, 2018 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Indigo Bananas color shifting shimmer and flakies polishes,various collections NOT PRESS SAMPLES I have been meaning to swatch and blog these forever! I mean it, It's been a year since I got some of these. Others I have had for a long time and have worn but it was long before I was blogging. These all contain color shifting shimmers and flakies, my favorite finish of nail polish. Some of these were purchased very early...
Monochrome Indie look, Notoriously Morbid and Femme Fatale
Monday, November 26, 2018 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Monochrome Indie look, Notoriously Morbid and Femme Fatale Cosmetics Femme Fatale Candied Apple lids and lower lash Femme Fatale Desecration inner corner and brow Notoriously Morbid Pope Lick Monster crease Notoriously Morbid blush Candy is Dandy Notoriously Morbid highlight Being Bad Feels Pretty Good Colourpop Tootsie lippie stix topped with Notoriously Morbid Spectre Stricken Diablo lipstick This isn't the best lighting nor photos, these products do differ a little more in person but are most...
Looxi Beauty swatches, Auroras and highlighter
Sunday, November 25, 2018 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Looxi Beauty swatches, Auroras and highlighter Looxi Beauty is holding another sale for cyber Monday! The details haven't been released yet but foolow on Instagram for when they do. I got these pretties during their anniversary sale this summer. ...
Purple Notoriously Morbid/Aromaleigh look
Saturday, November 24, 2018 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Purple Notoriously Morbid/Aromaleigh look Purple Notoriously Morbid/Aromaleigh look ...
Twin Mani Challenge with NailPolishJunkie74
Thursday, November 22, 2018 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Twin Mani Challenge with NailPolishJunkie74 My nail gal and I have talked about doing a collab for a while, when we bought this same polish we knew it was time. We worked together to choose each element and I love how it came out. Each year Baroness X does a limited edition box for Black Friday. Although I wanted the whole box I didn't have the funds but happily I was able to snag this...
Notoriously Morbid + Femme Fatale Cosmetics makeup look
Thursday, November 22, 2018 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Notoriously Morbid + Femme Fatale Cosmetics makeup look In honor of Black Friday and all of Notoriously Morrbid's new releases I thought I'd do a look with some of last years exclusive items. psst, Femme Fatale Cosmetics is having a sale too and you will find no shortage of beautiful things there. I've done looks with lots of products from both brands, clearly my favorite Indie Cosmetic companies. ...
Bee's Knees Black Friday release,SALE, and bonus swatches
Tuesday, November 20, 2018 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Priscilla Presley inspired makeup look
Monday, November 12, 2018 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Hey peeps! There's a fun challenge going on in the Notoriously Morbid facebook fan group. This one is for era inspired, I tried to channel Priscilla Presley. ...
Notoriously Morbid and Femme Fatale Duo/Multichrome look
Saturday, November 10, 2018 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Notoriously Morbid and Femme Fatale Duo/Multichrome look Notoriously Morbid and Femme Fatale Duo/Multichrome look ...
2 full face Indie makeup looks featuring Notoriously Morbid's October 2018 Mystic Monthly
Monday, November 05, 2018 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Notoriously Morbid Zmey and Smoke Screen paired with LOTS of other Indie products ...
mythological creatures topcoatsMythological Gemsmythological nightMythological Opalspress samplesstarlight and sparklesStarlight Polishunicorn pee polishunicorn pee sibling
Starlight Polish Phantasmal Collection, Mythological expansion
Saturday, November 03, 2018 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Phantasmal Collection PRESS SAMPLES Starlight Polish is at it again! A new creature is being added to the Mythological family. Many will be cross posted in her shop as there are cross over polishes. Here's a little help understand which creatures coincide with which "unicorn pee or sibling". It's not too hard, Phoenix is red/gold/green, Dragon is green/gold, Kelpie is teal/violet, Unicorn is green to blue. Anything 'Song" includes holo. Chimera is a combination of...
Notoriously Morbid Malice
Friday, November 02, 2018 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
This is just a short little post to feature the beautiful Malice mystic matte by Notoriously Morbid. It's currently out of stock but is permanent so not to fret. Eyes are Precious, Suspicious on the lid (NM) and Looxi Wheatness above crease. Add caption ...
Indie makeup look: blue, featuring Notoriously Morbid and Femme Fatale Cosmetics
Wednesday, October 31, 2018 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
This is a blue eye look I did a while back in the car. In general I find using dark or very bright shades above my crease challenging because my eyes are hooded and not symmetrically so. Getting a nice shape is the hard bit. However I had plenty of time to blend and in the end I loved this look. Lids: Femme Fatale Cosmetics Soul Stone Outer crease and lower lash: Notoriously Morbid Morgana...
Bee's Knees Bathsheba and multichrome eye look/comparison
Tuesday, October 16, 2018 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
alternative title: one good mani photo, a bunch of bad ones and rando makeup look ;') Bees Knees Bathsheba Unicorn Pee polish and indie makeup look. The closed eye photo looked ok on my phone in this collage, not so much here but the full photo is included below. ...
Femme Fatale Cosmeticsgive me glow cosmeticsindie makeupmultichrome eyeshadowNotoriously MorbidTonic PolishUnicorn pee
Olive indie makeup and nails look, Tonic Polish
Sunday, September 23, 2018 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Olive indie makeup and nails look, Tonic Polish Olive indie makeup and nails look, Tonic Polish ...
P.O.P Polish, Pastel Multichrome Oil Slick Collection
Monday, August 06, 2018 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
POP PolishPastel Multichrome Oil Slick Collection, half collectionPRESS SAMPLE POP Polish generously sent me 4 of 8 Pastel Multichrome Oil Slicks and my goodness they are amazing! Part multichrome,part foil,part shimmer. In bright direct light the predominant shift/shimmer comes out against the pale background to create a metallic foil like look while shade and low light allow the myriad of shifts to come out to play. I was also sent POP's topcoat, Liquid Glass. I am...