
Aromaleigh Cosmetics Fatalis collection selection, swatches and thoughts

Wednesday, December 26, 2018 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Aromaleigh Fatalis selection swatches and thoughts all photos in natural light, swatched over Femme Fatale Shadow Magic primer ...

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Notoriously Morbid looks: Serefine vs Into The Pale Mystic Mattes, also Ghost Clown shadow look and comp

Saturday, December 22, 2018 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Notoriously Morbid Serefine vs Into The Pale all photos taken in natural light Into the Pale on top, Serefine bottom ...

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#mynailsandmycactus 11/18 collab cactus nails

Friday, December 21, 2018 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
 #mynailsandmycactus  11/18 collab cactus nails ...

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Limited Edition Femme Fatale shadows and friends

Thursday, December 20, 2018 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Limited Edition Femme Fatale shadows and friends ...

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Fall tones Femme Fatale haul

Tuesday, December 11, 2018 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Natural light, warm Fall tones Femme Fatale haul Natural light, warm Fall tones Femme Fatale haul ...

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Bee's Knees Wax Melts Release

Monday, December 10, 2018 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Bee's Knees Wax Melts Release PRESS SAMPLES WAX RELEASE AND HOLIDAY SCENTS DAY 11 of  12 DAYS OF DEALS  I received 5 of the 6 scents in wax and the last in scroap so I'll add my thoughts on that one too. These will be $4.50 regular price for 4oz. Don't forget about the free/discounted internationally/combined shipping running through the 12th! Deals start at 12pm EST. Bee's Knees recommends allowing 2 weeks cure time from...

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Bee's Knees Scroaps, holiday scents

Saturday, December 08, 2018 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Bee's Knees Scroaps, holiday scents PRESS SAMPLES Bee's Knees Lacquer 12 days of deals Day 9  Free and combined US shipping throughout, International will be discounted and only charged on the first order.  ...

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Bee's Knees Lacquer one coat multichromes

Wednesday, December 05, 2018 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
One Coat Multichromes PRESS SAMPLES ...

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Bee's Knees Avengers duo

Tuesday, December 04, 2018 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Bee's Knees Avengers duo PRESS SAMPLES Greetings earthlings! Bee's Knees Lacquer is having 12 days of releases, deals and sales! 12/5 brings the release of 2 new Avenger themed polishes. What's so cool about this 12 days is that shipping is free in the US and discounted elsewhere. Shipping will be held until the end of the 12 days and combined if you make more than one purchase.  WHAT DID IT COST? Described as a...

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