
Bee's Knees Exclusives for Indie Expo Canada '19

by - Saturday, August 17, 2019

Bee's Knees Exclusives for Indie Expo Canada '19 

 Bee's Knees will be attending Indie Expo Canada again this year and have created 3 gorgeous limited editions for the event. They will also be offering a select number of preview mystery bag polishes as well as regularly available stock and probably plenty of lovely smelling things! These will be available Sunday Aug 18th at the event and then on Bee's Knees site at 8 pm EST.

  • Each polish will be $13 CAD at the show and $11 USD on the site.
  • I've shown each in natural and artificial light sources.
  • These dry to a glossy finish but I've photographed them with glossy, matte and satin topcoats. Easy removal.


Hellhounds: Dark gray polish with bright pink to yellow shimmer.
I've used 3 coats here, 2 was very close to being opaque but I knew the camera would highlight any visible nail line. Easy to use formula, the rounded brush never disappoints me. I love the yellow shimmer.

Video here.


sunlight at an angle

artificial full spectrum light, at an angle

artificial full spectrum light

artificial full spectrum light

artificial full spectrum light, BKL Hail Satin on pointer and middle nails, matte topcoat on ring and pinky


Shtriga: A dark aqua polish with a soft pink shimmer.
Easy to use formula, albeit a little sheer for my very loud free edge. When the sun hits this, sparkles galore!
Video here.

artificial light

Artificial light, at an angle.

Artificial light, at an angle.

natural light

sunlight at an angle, the shimmer sings!

artificial full spectrum light, BKL Hail Satin on pointer and middle nails, matte topcoat on ring and pinky


Arachne: Smoky eggplant polish with eerie green to gold shimmer.
This is my favorite of the 3. I've used 3 coats for the sake of the camera but it was very close at 2. This one has the potential for shimmer streaks so use long and straight strokes. 

Video here.

artificial light

artificial light at an angle

natural light


natural light

Natural light, BKL Hail Satin on pointer and middle nails, matte topcoat on ring and pinky.
This photo is a little washed out color wise :/.

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