Lacquester La Licorne Bleue Can you guys believe it took me almost a year to wear this stunning polish? This was made by Lacquester as a group custom and it definitely required ninja fingers to snag it. A beautiful cornflower blue base filled with shifting unicorn pee shimmer in the famous red/green/gold variety. I did not expect this to be as opaque as it is, score! I used 3 coats for the sake of photos...
Notoriously Morbid Warning Sign, Strange but (it's) True
Friday, March 29, 2019 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Notoriously Morbid Warning Sign over a base of mustard, blended into crease, more over shadowbind on lids. Also lower lash line. (This is the March color of the month, it's totally stunning and still available for a few more days at least. Do NOT pass this one up. I am still trying to convince myself not to buy a backup.) Strange but (it's) True liquid highlighter (l.e. in store only) Femme Fatale Monsters from Mars...
Bee's Knees April 2019 release, Marvel inspired
Thursday, March 28, 2019 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Bee's Knees April 2019 release, Marvel inspired PRESS SAMPLES Sent in exchange for my honest review This is not a filter, its a real rainbow courtesy of my Rainbow Symphony Gemies :) For this month's release Bee's Knees was inspired by the infinity stones and some individual characters .The result is this beautiful rainbow of what I would call soft neons and 2 unicorn pee sibling shifty toppers .They will be available on April 1st...
Colourpop Dreamaholic and The Ram
Wednesday, March 27, 2019 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Colourpop Dreamaholic and The Ram Colourpop the Ram over Notoriously Morbid's shadowbind, blended into crease Notoriously Morbid Right into the Wood chipper lower lash My Pretty Zombie 6-MAM blush Femme Fatale Flamemoon highlighter Colourpop Dreamaholic gloss Earrings by Forty Winks Jewelry (me) ...
aurora shimmerbees KneesColor shifting shimmerholographic flakesiridescent flakiespress samplesunicorn pee polish
Bee's Knees Polish Con NOLA Spring 2019
Monday, March 25, 2019 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Bee's Knees Polish Con NOLA Spring 2019 PRESS SAMPLES, available at the event and online at some later date. Sent in exchange for my honest review. Bee's Knees has made 3 very cool polishes for Polish Con NOLA (New Orleans) inspired by local urban legends which I think is really fun. These will be available at the actual event even though Bee's Knees won't actually be attending and online at the Bee's Knees shop at...
Spring Flowers indie makeup look
Sunday, March 24, 2019 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Grow home Douglas you're trunk, Shiro Cosmetics base allover Notoriously Morbid Douglas Fir lid and crease (pressure sensitive, I need more practice) Shiro Ha Ha Ha Ha above crease Femme Fatale Cosmetics Icemist Diamond inner corner,brow, and cheekbones highlighter Dawn Eyes Cosmetics Entrancing lower lash Notoriously Morbid Maret lip (l.e. mystic monthy) Notoriously Morbid Tempestuous blush (l.e. Vanishing Cabinet ) ...
Bee's Knees Little Moth, April 2019 PPU
Thursday, March 21, 2019 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Bee's Knees Little Moth, April 2019 PPU T5 bulbs PRESS SAMPLE The theme for the April Polish Pickup is Famous Works of Art and Bee's Knees has created her own based on Sander Cohen's Miasma from the Bioshock Games. The official description is a dusty blue polish with a glowing shimmer that shifts from red to gold to green (not UP but still amazing). This was very opaque and I only used 2 coats! It's so...
Notoriously Morbid Romantic look: Great Chemistry,Borden,Blue Orchid
Wednesday, March 20, 2019 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Notoriously Morbid Romantic look: Great Chemistry,Borden,Blue Orchid Notoriously Morbid Great Chemistry (2/19 Crypt Creation) on lid over shadowbind, blended into crease and lower lash line Looxi Vino in crease Blue Orchid (L.E.) lip Borden highlighter My Pretty Zombie Benzodiaphine blush ...
Bee's Knees Basilisk Horn
Tuesday, March 19, 2019 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Bee's Knees Basilisk Horn Bee's Knees Lacquer Basilisk Horn and undies. Middle nail: 3 coats with glossy topcoat, all others one coat of the creme "undie", 2 of Basilisk Horn with glossy topcoat. Naturally dries to a glossy finish. I didn't notice the visible nail line in person, the bright light does highlight it. Perhaps I should have allowed more dry time. Nice formula, sheer but buildable. Not too thick or thin, no pulling or...
Notoriously Morbid Cosmetics R.S.V.P. set, 2018 Black Friday set, 3 different looks
Saturday, March 16, 2019 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Notoriously Morbid Cosmetics R.S.V.P. set, 2018 Black Friday set, 3 different looks ...
Femme Fatale Cosmetics Bad Wolf
Thursday, March 14, 2019 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Femme Fatale Cosmetics Bad Wolf T5 full spectrum bulbs Femme Fatale Cosmetics Bad Wolf is from last year's Villain collection. I finally got around to wearing it just in time for the Heros and Villains release. This is described as a neutral medium grey crelly base with a bold green-red overlay. I used 3 coats with topcoat, The green is very prominent, the red/pink shift is visible at an angle. I didn't have any problem...
Bee's Knees Lacquer March HHC Solenya
Thursday, March 07, 2019 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
PRESS SAMPLE natural light For this month's Hella Handmade Creations Bee's Knees is continuing her Rick and Morty theme with Solenya, inspired by the pickle man, this is a dark pickle green polish with red shimmer and a whole bunch of flakes that shift all kinds of colors. This is truly the perfect pickle polish! It will be $13 with no cap or limit on sales. I used 2 coats with various topcoats. Great formula,...
b'ellegantdawn eyes cosmeticsFemme Fatale Cosmeticsindie makeupmultichrome eyeshadowNotoriously Morbidthe premiums
Dawn Eyes Premiums, Scintillating, Tantalizing, Ravishing
Wednesday, March 06, 2019 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Dawn Eyes Premiums, Scintillating, Tantalizing, Ravishing These are the first mini sizes I have purchased from Dawn Eyes, my others are all sample baggies and I still have uses left in them! These are very pretty but I do wish I got the clamshell samples because I duped myself some what with these. I may have a type...At least I got 3 free glitters! I havn't used them yet but they are super pretty. Skin...
Tonic Marilyn
Monday, March 04, 2019 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
Tonic Marilyn This is the description from Tonic: Marilyn was originally developed as a special giveaway polish at Polish Con 2017, and now available to all! Neon magenta with orange shimmer. Recommended application is two medium-thick coats finished off with Tonic Topper to smooth and enhance the color, but a third coat may be desired if you apply more thinly. ...
Fall on ma face with Notoriously Morbid and Femme Fatale Cosmetics
Sunday, March 03, 2019 / BY Erika, A Polished Narcoleptic
This is from actual fall but early fall. Imma catch up someday lol, maybe. Apparently before my foundation began to betray me, I look perfectly ghosty and normal here. ...